The Time is Near for the New School Year!

The Time is Near for the New School Year!

We have been working around the clock with new enrollments and scheduling.
We are getting very excited to start this school year! Keep a look out for emails with
updates and details for the August timeline. See you all soon!

đź’»Ready for Virtual Learning?

Read these simple tips to set up yourself for success!

Set up a learning space just for you! Reduce distractions around you like your phone or the TV. Have supplies at the
ready and add a little pop of color or something that inspires you. Schedule in “cleaning days” to keep your learning area tidy.

A student once said that they make time for their friends on the weekends. Keep your personal life alive!
It may take some extra effort, but reach out to your group of friends or family and plan something fun.

Don’t forget about the outside world! There is A LOT to learn offline! Use your home, neighborhood, friends, library,
local museum, and environment to look for other ways to learn. (Remember to be social distancing)

Set up a calendar that you can reference regularly. That could be a large paper calendar hanging on your wall,
or a color coded Google Calendar. Think about what would make you the most successful. That is different for everyone!

Shine Bright with proper lighting. Make sure you have some overhead lighting and some task lighting. A small lamp or reading
light at your desk will keep you focused and will reduce eye strain.

Most of all, enjoy your learning experience. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and ask for help. We are all learning together!