
You Have Options


Your family has more options for your student’s K-12 education than ever before. Being aware of your options is a great first step. In addition to traditional brick-and-mortar schools, families can choose from online, charter, independent, private, and many other types of schools.

Why eSucceed?

As an online K-12 public school, eSucceed offers an outstanding, accredited education with the scheduling flexibility of an online curriculum. Your student will experience learning that is personalized to their level AND interests along with the support of our Environments of Success program. eSucceed offers project-based learning, which helps students connect their classroom education with the real world.

open laptop


eSucceed invests in the technology students need to have a successful online learning experience. Your student will have access to a chromebook provided by eSucceed during the school year as well as technical support.

Is online school the right option for my student?

Need for Individualized Learning

Students learn at different paces. eSucceed’s individualized learning plans give students the opportunity to catch up to or exceed grade-level standards.

Medical Needs

Balancing health issues with traditional school schedules and exposures can be difficult. Online school limits your physical exposure to others while providing social and academic support online. It can help students keep up instead of falling behind when procedures or illness would otherwise keep them from attending school.

Professional Training or Work Schedules

Students with athletic, musical, or other special talents need the additional time to train. Others have an interest or need to start their career while still in school. Online school provides the flexibility to work around training, practice, or work schedules.

Family Relocation/ Mobility

Some families live abroad or are frequently moved for career, military service, or religious service. Online school helps students experience a consistent educational experience.

Social Anxiety or Bullying

Fear of social situations, whether rooted in your child’s personality or caused by bullying or other harassment, can inhibit even the most curious, ambitious, or bright student from doing their academic best. Online school can give your student more control over their social interactions.

Students need informed and involved parents to do their best – eSucceed provides the support and opportunity.

Parents and guardians are part of the equation at eSucceed. We all need to work together to help students succeed.


For students AND parents and guardians to help familiarize everyone with our platform and expectations.

A guide

To help parents ensure their children are mastering their courses.


Virtual conferences to connect with your student’s teachers.

Tech Support

Go to our Tech Support Pages.

Click Here

For Students

Current and future students, click here for student resources, success stories, and answers to commonly asked questions.

Click Here

Ready to enroll in eSucceed Virtual School?

  • Tuition-free for Wisconsin residents
  • Full- and part-time enrollment
  • Schedule flexibility

Meet an eSucceed Teacher

Emily Meyer – English

My name is Emily Meyer and I am the English teacher for eSucceed. I went to UW-Whitewater and have experience teaching i

Sonya Kohls – Science

Hola!! This year will be my 10th year of teaching science, and my 3rd year teaching virtually. In addition to teaching v

Samantha Klump – Math

Hello! This is my 9th year of teaching math and my 2nd year teaching with eSucceed. I have previously taught for Oshkosh