Technology Support

eSucceed provides technical support for the equipment it provides to students.


Our technology team assists with personalizing each device to allow ease of use.

Have questions about technology requirements?

For more information about our technology requirements, please visit our Technology page.

General Technology FAQ

How does eSucceed ensure a safe online experience?

We aim to provide a safe digital environment for all. Staff and students annually sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), promising responsible behavior online and offline. Several systems, including internet filters, are put in place to keep our students safe.  No system is perfect, so we encourage parents to actively be engaged in their students’ responsible internet use.

Do I need to own a computer to attend eSucceed Virtual School?

No. Each eSucceed student has accees to a chromebook provided by eSucceed as well as an eSucceed fabric case.


The device and accessories must be returned at end of the school year, withdrawal, or graduation from eSucceed.


High Speed Internet access is needed. eSucceed can provide a hotspot if needed. 

When will I receive my Chromebook?

Chromebooks are distributed prior to the first week of school. Parents and students must sign must review and sign policy documents related to use of technology (provided in the enrollment form) before a device will be issued. The enrollment form is available beginning mid-July every year, and parents will be emailed a link to the form once available for the upcoming school year.   

Where do I return my device?

Student devices and accessories (charger, case) will be collected during the last week of the school year for maintenance over the summer vacation. Students will be reissued another device each year while enrolled in eSucceed Virtual School. If a student transfers out of eSucceed Virtual School during the school year, the device must be returned at that time.


If a device and its accessories are not returned, the parent/guardian will be held responsible for payment in full. If payment is not received, the parent/guardian will be turned over to local law enforcement.

How do I navigate to eSucceed Virtual School to start my classes?

Students will receive their login credentials and login links via email from their teacher(s).


If you forget your username or password please email Mrs. Amy Corr at

What if I forget my password to the school platform?

Please contact Mrs. Amy Corr at if you forget your username or password.

My eSucceed device isn't working. What are my options?

Please complete all steps detailed in the troubleshooting process above. If after completing all troubleshooting steps your device still does not work, please email


Technology support will use remote management software which enables them to control your device. If the issue can not be solved remotely, you will need to drop off or send your device back to us. A replacement will be provided for you. There may be a delay between returning your device and receiving the replacement.


PLEASE NOTE that students are responsible for completing school work while waiting for a replacement device. Options are to borrow another family device or complete your work offline.

What do you recommend for device maintenance?

To keep your devices running smoothly:

  • Shut down or restart devices at least three times per week.
  • Don’t let the battery completely die.
  • Clear cookies and cache regularly.
How do I take a screenshot on my chromebook?

This is how to take a screenshot on a Chromebook:

To capture the entire screen: Press the CTRL key and the All Windows Key.


When the notification appears, click to see your screenshot, or find it in your Files app.

Parent/Guardian Technology FAQ

I am a parent/guardian, what is my username?

We will send your username and password to access Infinite Campus to the email address that we have on file for you. 


I want to be notified when my child turns in an assignment or a grade is updated. How do I do that?

Parents and guardians can set their notifications in Infinite Campus .

As a parent/guardian, how do I view my child's grades?

Parents and guardians have access to their student(s)’ grades in Infinite Campus.

Do you have any training videos?

Yes! Training videos and technology guides are available. Once your student(s) is enrolled in eSucceed parents and guardians will have access to our internal website with links to various training videos.